Friday, October 2, 2015

You are to post an initial blog that answers the following questions thoroughly.  Also, you are to respond atleast "5" times to other classmates.  You are to do this professionally and politely.  You do not have to fully agree with your classmate, but be respectful.

1.  What happened to Roanoke?  In your opinion, what happened to the people of Roanoke Colony?  You will need to spend time in research - but give your best theory as to what happened to these people, while providing as much evidence to support this theory as you possibly can (5 points)

2.  What hardships existed in attempts to settle Jamestown? (5 points)

3.  Why was successfully settling Jamestown important?  How might things be different in the US today if Jamestown never was successfully settled? (5 points)

4.  Who was Pocahontas? What important role in history did she play?  (5 points)

Again - you are to create a post that answers each of the four previous questions AND also provide a response comment to atleast (5) classmate posts.  Your responses must be more than "good job"  or "I agree"  each response will be worth "1 point"  making this total message board worth 25 points

This is due on Wednesday


  1. seeing if this works!

  2. 1. I think the Roanoke might have tried to settle in the Americas were the Native Americans live and it was a problem to John Smith’s colony and the Native Americans.

    2.They experienced major food shortages and poor medical care and got disease and illness, and they had no water no livestock and they died of diseases.

    3. I think Jamestown was important to be settled in because the US wouldn’t have been started. If Jamestown wouldn’t have been settled we wouldn’t be here.

    4. I think Pocahontas was Chief Powhatan’s daughter. Pocahontas played a role of saving John Smith’s life by throwing herself on John Smith from the Native Americans, John Smith brought jewelry for Pocahontas to see if she liked them and saved John Smith’s colony from disaster.

    1. I think you have a great hypothesis for Roanoke and Pocahontas

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    4. Why do you agree with the theory? make sure to elaborate more on your replies :)

    5. I agree entirely, but as I commented on Dalton's, don't forget that because Pocahontas saved John, she brought peace among them all.

    6. I totally agree with your answers for the hard ships of the settlers. I agree with the fact that they didn't have clean water or livestock which made living and getting food difficult. Those things would have been, and are, major factors in settling an area of land.

    7. You are spot-on as well Rachel.

    8. I like your thought about that fact if Jamestown hadn't been settled the U.S. may not have been here. And if the U.S had not been here then we may not even be here where we are today. We may even lead a whole different lifestyle.

    9. I disagree with number three we just might not be Speaking English it might have been the exact same only Dutch.

  3. 1. my hypothesis is that Roanoke took the time to take down the houses to form in to roughly made bouts and they tried to inform that they left for the natives islands

    2. James town like Sara said before suffered from diseases and lake of food and clean water the natives made things worse for them by hunting them down and killing them plus the nobles did not work and some people where executed

    3. James town was the last attempt on settling north america for the English so if James town did not work out we would be speaking Spanish

    4. Pocahontas was most likely Chief Powhatan's daughter. Pocahontas was believed to have saved john smiths life by throwing her self over him. john traded with the native Americans for food.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How do you know that we would be speaking Spanish? Why couldn't we be French?

    3. I agree, but also, don't forget that due to Pocahontas saving John, she had brought peace between the Natives and the English.

    4. As I said to other people's, Pocahontas also encouraged people to come to the new world! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I hadn't thought about England going bankrupt from not settling Jamestown. That is interesting.

    2. I think you have some good points here, Anthony. You pointed out pretty much everything we went over in class. Good job.

    3. Why were they being attacked, Anthony? Was it because they didn't want to work? Or was it because they were out of fresh food and water?

    4. I think that's a good theory Anthony but why didn't they find bodies or any of their other stuff when Raleigh returned, but good job anyway.

    5. It might not have been Spanish it could have been French or even Dutch without competition from England there could have been Dutch everywhere.

  5. 1) The theory I think is the most reasonable is that they left the settlement because the Crotoans drove them out; this solves the inscription on the fence post. They may have threatened them to get out of the area somehow and had gotten through to them. When they left, they went to the Chesapeake Bay area to settle and most likely built rafts out of their houses and sailed around the bay. The proof of this is that the chief of the native tribe at the bay admitted to killing some of the settlers because they were in their territory and wanted to prevent more English settlers from coming to their land.
    2) Jamestown had some hardships that the settlers had to overcome to successfully settle the land. Some of the hardships that took place were disease and the weather (they didn’t know what they had coming as of the climate). They were drinking salt water causing them to dehydrate themselves and when they went to the water supply to relieve themselves of thirst, they got even more dehydrated. Overworking also goes along with dehydration; they needed water and when they drank the water they got sick. The natives were also unhappy with the English settlement; they wanted them gone so they attacked the settlers constantly. The next problem was the settlers themselves: either they didn’t want to work and just try to find gold or they were trying to make the settlement better but they didn’t know how because they were inexperienced workers.
    3) If Jamestown had never been settled, we might’ve given up hope for settling in the Americas. Why try to settle land that can’t be settled? After we had given up hope, we might not have the US that we do today. If things went REALLY wrong, England might have sold the Americas to France, or somebody, saying it couldn't be settled. Then, BAM, we might be French, or something.
    4) Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief Powhatan. She helped John Smith and his crew to help make their settlement concrete, or stay permanent. After John Smith went back to England, due to a severe burn, Pocahontas presumed he was dead. Some years later, John Rolfe came to the settlement and fell in love with Pocahontas and later married her. Their marriage brought peace with the Natives and English. Rolfe brought her back to England, some years later, in hopes that the English would see that the Natives aren’t savages but that they have manners and are polite. When they see that the Natives aren’t what they are made out to be, they will want to settle in the Americas.

    1. That "unknown" is Rachel. I forgot to put my name, whoops!

    2. May I add that in my answer for "1" when the chief killed some settlers it was before John Smith and his crew.

    3. Wow, this was a long post but I agree completely. You covered everything AND some. Great work Rachel!

    4. Awesome theory Rachel

    5. I agree with your theory for how they disappeared I do believe also that the natives could have drove them out and killed some so the settlers would be scared and maybe even send a letter to England saying "Don't settle hear the natives are hostile and will protect their land at possibly any cost.".
      I agree completely with your answer for question 2. They didn't know what they were doing in terms of they had no skill workers and the also didn't know that the water was what was making them very sick. Like you said they overworked a lot so that caused the dehydration.
      Haha that was a very good idea of what could have happened to the U.S. if Jamestown hadn't been sucessful
      I 100% agree with what you said for question 4!!

    6. Cam Reply to question 1: I liked the proof you provided but what i know of is that the people on Roanoke would have left a Maltese Cross near the inscription on the fence (which you could have explained too) if they were forced, and the natives around that area were starting to die because of disease so their numbers would've been short and might not have tried not to attack since there were few of them. But you know, opinions and theories.Other than that good job.

    7. I never really thought of it but it could be very likely that the Coatoans drove them out. That is a really good theory and you have good evidence to support your theory!

  6. This was for AKIRA

    1. I believe the Roanoke colony was "moved". I think the people of Roanoke purposely took everything, packed it up, and moved to the 'Croatan' colony while John White was gone.

    2. Some hardships that were faced were resorting to cannibalism, the Indians, and diseases.

    3. Successfully settling Jamestown was important because it helped the English set up colonies in the New World. If Jamestown was never successfully settled, the Englishmen might've stopped trying to settle here. In that case, we'd probably be either Spanish or French rather then English.

    4. Pocahontas was Chief Powatan's daughter, and she helped bring peace between the Indians and the English.

    1. Correction on #1; That is supposed to say John Smith. Not quite sure where I got 'John White' from.....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree partially with your answer for 1. My reasonings are 1: who is "John White"? and 2: why did they "move" in with the Croatans? Were they out of resources? Did they become friends with the Croatans? But I also agree with you because I also think they "moved"

    4. You have a great theory Akira.

    5. For number 4, you don't give much information about who exactly Pocahontas was.

    6. Yeah I know Aryel.

      Rachel; Um, I'm not quite sure why they would. Maybe they didn't like the Roanoke leader, or the rules. Also, I mean, they could have became friends, but I wouldn't know since it's just a theory.

    7. Don't forget that there are a lot of other hardships that the Jamestown people faced, such as, the weather, the unsanitary water (that most probably contained salt), and the land they were settling on was also marshy. Pocahontas also helped to convince English people to come and settle in the new world. Other than that I think you did a wonderful job!

    8. I think your theory is very probable. Since the only clues left at Roanoke Island were the words "croatan" and "cro", it could be very likely that they had moved the colony and were letting whoever came over there next a message that they had left.

    9. A another hard hardships the men didn't want to work and they couldn't farmed because they didn't know what grows good there or they didn't know how to farm. good job

    10. Also, dont forget that Pocahontas encouraged people to come to the new world, Other than that, good job! :)

  7. Response to question #1
    I think the colonists were killed or abducted by the Native Americans. Another reason what happened to Roanoke Island is that the settlers tried to sail back to England on their own, and they might have been lost at sea.

    Response to question #4
    Pocahontas was a princess and the daughter of Chief Powhatan. Pocahontas was a Native American woman. She was known for her involvement with the English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. She save the life of Englishman John Smith.

    1. I agree, but as I commented on most of the other posts, Pocahontas also brought peace.

    2. Yes she did bring peace! That was very important!

    3. I like your reasons why they "vanished" but my question is what one (reason) do you think is the best or the most reasonable?

    4. Carl don't forget that after she married John Rolfe they went to England to help convince people to come and settle in the Americas. You did a great job!

    5. I think your theory could be very likely as well. They may have got lost at sea, but there is no real proof. Also if they got lost at sea, why were the words "Croatoan" and "cro" there for? There must be some reason the settlers would leave that clue. But otherwise I think that is a really great theory.

    6. and she made more people want to go like what Rosita said.
      good job (:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1) When John White, governor of the colony of Roanoke, returned to the island everyone was missing. In my opinion, i think the people of Roanoke ran out of food, and decided to sail to a close island to get food. There was a name of “ Croatoan” carved into one of the trees. So, perhaps the people of Roanoke traveled to that southern island.
    2) After they settled, and a food shortage became worse, they were afraid to the because of the spanish on water. They were also afraid to hunt for food, due to the Natives. The people of Roanoke did have water close by, but it was very dirty and unclean. Illnesses also spread throughout this settlement and did some damage. Most of the settlers were only focused on the gold, so the weren't prepared for the weather at all.
    3) Jamestown was very important because it was the first settlement in the Americas. If the settlers would have gave up, the United States might not have been here. If the English decided to leave and give up, some other country might have settled here and we could've been a completely different, as in speaking a different language.
    4) Pocahantas was the daughter of the chief of the Powatons. She was important to Jamestown because she helped set peace between the English and the natives, by marrying John Rolfe. After getting married, her and Rolfe both traveled back to England and because Pocahontas was intelligent and was told to look pretty, the English weren't scared of the natives, so they would want to settle in the Americas

    1. For question 2 what do you mean they were afraid to...? and I think you made a mistake with Roanoke in question 2. I think you meant Jamestown. I agree with how you said that they weren't prepared for the weather and more focused on gold. The information you put about Pocahontas was spot on; you hit very important details, such as, she created peace between the natives and the English by marrying John Rolfe and how she had very good manners and looked beautiful so the English would think that's what all the natives were like. Very well written!

    2. for 4. she made pace by saving john smith life and what you said , by marrying John Rolfe. good job ( :

    3. Very good theory and evidence. also don't forget that the relationship between john rolfe and Pocahontas gave them a reason to stay in Jamestown.

  10. 1.I think that the Roanoke Colony purposely left because of the wet ground, and that they were more interested in gold more then settling in Roanoke.

    2.some of the hard attempts to settle Jamestown, was the wet ground that was all around James town but mostly what i think was hard for them was the hostile Indians and the poor leadership and Government

    3. The reason setting Jamestown was so important, was because they would be able to settle new land

    4.Pocahontas was a very important role in history because she was the one to help get people to come over and settle in the country

    1. I disagree with you on 1 .because wet ground can be good some times. but if they did went back we would know about it, maybe something happened went they try to go back.

    2. I agree with you on 2. But remember some of the wealthier men didn't want to work, and another huge one, food shortage and saltwater poisoning. good job though ! :)

    3. On 3, i dont really understand what you were trying to say. Obviously they wanted more land, but they also needed to settle a colony in America.

  11. Bryleigh I do agree with what you said about the first question because maybe sense they couldn't find gold and were running out of food they took to the road and looked father west for more food/gold. Don't forget about the other hardships that they faced like, unsanitary water, heat, more worried about gold, and the diseases. For number three you could add more saying stuff like we could have been french or Spanish for all we know. That was only if we are assuming they gave up trying to settle that land. Pocahontas also helped bring peace between the natives and settlers by saving John Smith.

  12. 1: Nobody is very certain of what happened to Roanoke, but there are many speculations of what happened. The one that I think may have happened would be that the Indians came and killed everyone, took the bodies and the building materials, took them back to their settlement, built stuff with building materials and got rid of the bodies. It makes sense because when they sent the supply ship they didn’t find anyone and they didn’t find any buildings. They also didn’t find any bodies so it makes sense that they took the bodies and destroyed them. They are a lot of things that could have happened but that is what I think.

    2: There were a lot of hardships in Jamestown. Some of the hardships would include unsanitary water, Indians, disease, weather, and the area they were in. Also, some of the higher ranking men didn’t want to work so that set them back as far as not being ready enough for winter; they already weren’t ready because they didn’t plan on it being very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter.

    3: Settling Jamestown was very important because if Jamestown didn’t succeed the English could have given up trying to settle there and some other country like France or Spain could have inhabited where Jamestown was and the U.S. might not be here. If it wasn’t successfully settled we could have been Spanish or even French.

    4: Pocahontas was Chief Powhatan’s daughter. She played an important role in bringing peace between the natives and the English which was very important because you don’t want all these natives against a very small amount of settlers. She was said to have married John Rolfe and then went to England with him so they could encourage people to settle in the new world.

    1. I disagree for number one because if they attacked the colonists they would have put up a cross to show that they were attacked.

    2. Exactly what i put for Rachel's D.C. if they were forced or attacked in some way they would put the Mestese cross mark somewhere to show so.

    3. D.C., Cam please explain....

    4. Also for number one if the Natives picked up the colonists belongings then why was there a fence still around Roanoke.

    5. for one, the settle had better weapons than the native, and what dc said if they picked up the colonists belongings then why was there a fence still around Roanoke


  13. 1: My theory is, that the people of Roanoke packed everything up and moved to go live with the Native’s while John White was gone. The native tribe was called Croatan, which they carved the name into one of the trees.
    2: There was many hardships the colonists faced, some of them were, unsanitary water, food shortage and spoiled food, heat, sickness and the Natives. Also, the higher ranking men didn’t want to work.
    3: It was important because, it was the first successful settlement in North America. And if the English stopped trying we might be speaking Spanish or French, instead of English, of course.
    4: Pocahontas was Chief Powhatan's daughter. She was a very important role because, she made peace with the Natives and she helped England get more people to settle there.

    1. Good job on 3, you hit the main points. And dont forget, the colonists turned to cannibalism because of the food shortage.

  14. 1. My theory as to what happened on Roanoke is that they left roanoke and had gone to the island of croatoan after Raleigh left to get more supplies for them. The people still there must have assumed that they Raleigh wouldn't return, or return in time and moved to the island called croatoan to find food marking the name of the island on the tree. If the natives forced them out they would've put a Maltese cross next to, or instead of the word croatoan.
    2. Some of the hardships of Jamestown included unsanitary water, they ran out of clean drinking water so the water they had was unhealthy or salt water which made them more dehydrated and causes hallucinations. Another problem was the natives, they didn't like that the english were on their land and would kill the settlers when they had a chance. Other problems were climate, workers, and not prioritizing, these people were not ready for the hot climate there, some of the workers were either inexperienced or didn't work, and the people that did work mostly just tried to find gold, not trying to build houses or a fort to have defense from the natives. There was also disease going around on the insects that they had not seen before so some died from that.
    3. They had learned that tobacco grew well there so the english couldn’t really give up because they wanted to get wealthy. Just like others have said, we may not be speaking english if they failed or gave up meaning someone else may have came like the french or spanish and settled. We would’ve had different government, cities, or currency if the english did not settle there.
    4. Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief Powhatan, chief of the local natives, and was to have supposedly brought peace between the settlers and natives. I say supposedly because most historians believe that this was untrue or stretched in John Smith’s writing. Pocahontas was the native with manners who fell in love with Captain John Smith stopping her father from executing John after being captured. But John had his gunpowder “accident” (Some thought the colonists tried to kill him) and had to return home, later Pocahontas was informed that he was dead, which he wasn’t. Pocahontas later married John Rolfe because she was put up for ransom after being captured and brought to england. She then changed her name to Rebecca, finally she learned that John Smith was alive.

    1. *food, marking the name of the island* on number 1

    2. I strongly agree with number one but what if they went to a different island that wasn't Croatian and just carved it to throw people off their trail. Like they didn't like the kings views and wanted to make a secret colony.


  15. 1: I think the Roanoke Colony died of hunger.i think that because they were more worthy about finding gold than looking for food. they were also scary to go into the woods and get so food because the native american.

    2.They were running out of food and they didn’t have fresh water.A lot of the men were getting sick or dieing. some of the men didn’t want to work. the native american were attacking them. they didn’t know what chops to grew so they couldn’t have food to eat and some of them didn’t know how to hunt or farm.

    3:It Was important to settl in jamestown successfully because they wanted to become rich, and they wanted to trade and be friends with the native. it Jamestown never was successfully settled? we might be speaking Spanish. the us might have been different today. the laws might be different.

    4: Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief Powhatan's . she made peace with the colonies people. she save john smith's life. she made people not afraid of the native.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Also, don't forget Pocahontas encouraged people to settle in the New World. Good job! :)

    3. If the people of Roanoke died of hunger, wouldnt we find remains of the bodies?


    Roanoke was the first attempt at building a colony. My theory of what happened to Roanoke is that the Croatan’s had offered them a place to live among themselves once the colonists food supply was out.
    Jamestown faced many hardships while settling such as diseases, food shortages, lack of good fresh water, and there were Native American attacks.
    Settling Jamestown was important. If they did not they probably wouldn't have tried again making it a last chance for the English to settle the Americas. If they didn't the nationality and language would either be Spanish or French.
    Pocahontas is believed to be chief powhatan’s daughter.It is also said that she threw herself on John Smith and saved him from the Native American Indians. She later got married to John Rolfe and went to England like a walking billboard convincing people to come over to the America’s.

    1. Pocahontas also set peace between the Natives and colonists. :)

  17. I believe that at Roanoke, the natives around there took the English people back to there place, killed them, and took all their stuff. I believe this because there was nothing there but writing in a tree trunk.

    They faced several things Natives, bugs, heat, food shortage, sickness, winter,and unclean water. They had to drink salt water. Some reasons they failed is because they came only for gold and wealth, and they didn't have skilled workers.

    It's important the English had success at Jamestown because this country wouldn't be the United State. We probably would been French. They found tobacco grows good here and that inspired people to stay at Jamestown.

  18. I believe that at Roanoke, the natives around there took the English people back to there place, killed them, and took all their stuff. I believe this because there was nothing there but writing in a tree trunk.

    They faced several things Natives, bugs, heat, food shortage, sickness, winter,and unclean water. They had to drink salt water. Some reasons they failed is because they came only for gold and wealth, and they didn't have skilled workers.

    It's important the English had success at Jamestown because this country wouldn't be the United State. We probably would been French. They found tobacco grows good here and that inspired people to stay at Jamestown.
